Board of directors
Pierluigi Bocchini
Pierluigi Bocchini was born in Jesi (AN) on 19th October 1970 and graduated in Business Economics (in Italian “Economia Aziendale”), then specializing in Marketing at the Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi in 1995. From 1995 to 1996 he worked as Sales Manager for the main clients for Northern Italy (in Italian “Grandi Clienti Extra Rete Nord Italia”) at the company Q8 Petroleum Italia S.p.A..
Afterwards he main the Gruppo Clabo consolidating a striking experience in the production and trading sectors for furnishings and caterings.
He has been holding directorships as a component of the Board of Directors in both companies Gruppo Clabo and Gruppo Cla.Bo.Fin.
Alessandro Bocchini
Alessandro Bocchini was born in Jesi (AN) on December 17th, 1975 and graduated in Economics and Commerce at the Polytechnic University of Marche in 1994.
Always engaged in marketing and sale topics in the field of production of equipment and furniture for food retail, he collaborated also as Director in the companies belonging to the group Clabo and to Cla.Bo.Fin..
He has extensive experience as Credit Manager, playing for the Group activities to prevent credit risk, customer selection, credit management and seeking for solutions oriented to sales support, credit recovery, the current and the suffering one.
Riccardo Bottura
Riccardo Bottura was born in Milan on 9 May 1969. In 1993 he graduated in Indsutrial Technologies Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano university.
He boasts a significant professional career in the field known as General and Operations Direction, which he gained both in Italy and Great Britain, by leading in one of the most important industrial sectors.
His most significant experience is as follows:
From 2017 to 2019 he was the Chief Executive Officier at Gruppo Alival S.p.A
In 2015 he became Chief Operations Officier at Bormioli Rocco S.p.A.
From 2012 to 2014 he was Managing Director KME Italy S.p.A. and became CEO as well as Country Manager for KME Italy S.p.A., member of the board of directors for KME Italy and of his branch KME Brass Italy.
From 2009 to 2011 he became Corporate Supply Chain Director at Manuli Rubber Industries.
In November 2019 he is employed in Clabo as General Director and from January 2020 on he has been selected to be CEO.

Claudio Marcantognini
Claudio Marcantognini was born in Chiaravalle (AN) on 16th October 1980. He graduated in Economics and Business (in Italian “Laurea in Economia e Professione”) in 2003, afterwards he concluded the further education in Economic and Law (in Italian “Economia e Diritto”) in 2005, both at the University “Università degli Studi di Bologna”. In 2007 he qualified as Accountant and Statutory Auditor and becomes a member of the Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili in Bologna in 2008.
He works as Accountant at Studio Servidio in Bologna wher e he mainly deals with company and firm consulting, company finance, intergenerational transfers, company internationalization. He becomes a member of the International Commission of the companies of the Accountants Category in Bologna.
He then hold directorhips as Adviser for the Board of Director, de facto mayor Auditor in numerous companies.